Pragmatic Works Nerd News

5 Resources for Women in Tech to Achieve Success

Written by Devon Stiles | Mar 11, 2016

With only 25% of IT jobs being held by women in the United States, we believe in doing all we can to help pave the way for women in tech. There's a variety of resources, schools and free training programs available to women in tech - if you know where to look. We've compiled a list of some of our favorites for those interested in creating or furthering a career in IT: 

National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)

The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) is a nonprofit of more than 600 universities, companies, nonprofits and government organizations throughout the country with the shared goal of correcting gender imbalance in technology and computing. According to their website, "NCWIT equips change leaders with resources for taking action in recruiting, retaining, and advancing women from K–12 and higher education through industry and entrepreneurial careers." NCWIT has a variety of programs for women of all ages and at all stages of their career in tech. 

Girl Develop It

While there are many programs focused on helping women code, Girl Develop It is an nonprofit organization that specifically provides affordable programs for adult women interested in web and software development. Located in 52 cities throughout the United States, Girl Develop It provides mentorship and instruction through in-person classes and community support.

Women Techmakers

Google's Women Techmakers is a program launched by the tech giant in 2014 aiming to provide visability, community and resources for women in tech. Through their initiatives and pilot programs with topics ranging from product management to public speaking and more, they support and empower women in the industry. 

Women Who Code

Another nonprofit organization, Women Who Code is dedicated to inspiring women to excel in a tech career by providing education, development, advocacy and consulting in their community. Their free technical trainings are centered around different programming languages. They also help women engage with their tech community, change careers and plan their career path and professional development. 

Pragmatic Works Foundation

A little bit of a shameless plug, but our own Pragmatic Works Foundation is dedicated to helping motivated and passionate individuals learn in-demand technology skills free of cost. Our five-day boot camp style program covers a variety of tech topics with a focus on T-SQL, as well as resume writing assistance and interview training. Our next class is April 18-22, 2016 and spots are limited.

As the environment changes and opportunities for Women in Tech continue to grow, the workforce will become stronger and innovation and efficiency will increase. We're proud to support and celebrate the women of the tech world.