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Azure Data Week - Azure Security and Management Overview

Written by Pragmatic Works | Nov 01, 2018

Azure has a built-in set of services and a broad partner ecosystem to help you optimize, secure and manage your workloads. During Azure Data Week, Robert Kuehfus, provided must see demo rich session that tours all the key technologies including monitoring, backup, disaster recovery, security and governance. 

There were many questions he was unable to answer during his session and we're happy to share them with you now. 

Below is the Q&A from session attendees with many helpful links:

What is the difference between blueprints and ARM templates?

A: ARM Templates are used to automate the provisioning of Azure Resources. Commonly used as a major component of your IaC pipeline. Blueprints define the entire deployment using artifacts like ARM Templates, RBAC and policy. 

What is the link to explore all the features being shown in the session?

A: Blueprint Resources:

YouTube Video:   (10mins video)


Securing Azure reference:

Azure security best practices:

Creating compliant workloads:

Getting started with Security Center:       

Azure Monitor Documentation:

Resources, Tutorials & What’s New:

Query Language Course on Pluralsight:

Can the update management service be used for on-prem VMs\servers as well?

A: Yes,

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