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Coronavirus and e-Learning

Written by Pragmatic Works | Mar 16, 2020

Over the past few weeks, the COVID-19 or Coronavirus outbreak has the world making plans and implementing impactful changes in our everyday routines. Business, travel, sports teams and events, conferences and schools are all being affected.

Many people are being asked to work from home and many students are being sent home from colleges and universities around the country, as well as primary and secondary public schools closing and working on ways to implement online education until further notice.

In China many schools have made decisions to keep children home and move their curriculum online. Many schools in the US and around the globe are doing the same. In a recent blog, Microsoft shared tips from remote-learning educators on how to make e-learning effective and engaging.

Some challenges of e-learning are how to check that students are engaged and progressing, as well as keeping educators and faculty connected. In an effort to help, Microsoft is currently offering Microsoft Teams for free to educational institutions through the Office 365 A1 offer. They are also providing faculty and staff a six-month subscription of Office 365 A5.

Here at Pragmatic Works, we’ve also been affected. We are keeping up to date on all information and requests from the government and the CDC regarding best practices in reducing the spread of the virus. Please check the CDC website for up to date information. Some of our in-person trainings, such as our Microsoft Dashboard in a Day and App in a Day events may be made virtual, postponed or cancelled. Please keep an eye out if you’re enrolled in any of our live events.

If you’re now working from home but want to continue keeping your training or skills up to date or have spare time to learn something new, our On-Demand Learning platform offers two free courses covering Power BI and Power Apps -  Dashboard in Day and App in a Day are available for free for one year. We also have a library of 60+ courses in our On-Demand Learning covering Power BI, Azure and much more – all taken on your time, online, on any device. Visit our website or click below to learn more.

Stay informed and stay healthy. With knowledge, understanding and working together we can all help to stop the spread of COVID-19.