Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Do You Know What Your CIOs Are Up To?

Written by Adam Jorgensen | Jul 14, 2017

Your CIO plays one of the most important roles in your organization. Do you know what your CIO is working on to help grow your business?

Validating your CIO’s strategy is an important piece of knowledge to ensure that your business is moving forward. Here are the 3 questions to ask to figure out that strategy.

1. What Are the Major Business Goals?

Do you know the major business goals for 2017? If you don’t, you should. How? Simply ask, so you’ll know that the work you’re doing ties into those major business motives. You should also know if IT is more focused on basic support rather than focusing on creating new initiatives.

2. Are You Getting Insight?

It’s imperative that you use insight from the business as part of your design discovery process. Connect with stakeholders and use their business insights to create real value. It’s important to understand if your CIO is focused on innovating and driving new business growth or on day-to-day support to keep systems running. Insight and innovation are the two key factors to move your business forward.

3. Do You Need to Get More Involved?

Figure out how YOU can be a better part of your business; it’s not just up to your CIO. Ask questions and talk to your team to help them see what needs to be accomplished. We hear from and speak to many business owners that have a disconnect between the work that they’re doing and what the business really needs. Get involved, ask questions and close that gap.

Want to get on the right path to reach your goals this year? Pragmatic Works has helped over 7500 customers world-wide to ask the right questions and find the insight necessary to find that path and connect their data to their business. We’re data experts—let our knowledge and expertise get you there.