Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Use Pragmatic Works to Avoid Staffing Traps

Written by Pragmatic Works | May 03, 2017

We get it, you’re trying to move forward with transformative initiatives for 2017, but you’re not sure your team has the skills to drive your business plans. One of the top concerns of CIOs going into 2017 is the gap between where their team’s skills are and where they want them to be.

Pragmatic Works provides exceptional staffing services to partner with you to bring in the best, specific expertise for your needs. Many staffing companies will have you fall into one of three traps: 

 1. Claiming they have the best screening process.

A lot of screening processes consist of standardized tests, one-off interviews and reference checks. This process will not get you the best resources you need for your investment.

2.  Claiming they have the best pool of resources.

The truth is, most staffing agencies are searching through the same public market of candidates. You want to make sure you choose a partner that has a proven, reliable network of resources. 

3. Lastly, agencies will claim they are going to bring in people that understand your business and what you’re trying to accomplish.

It’s important for you to understand how that’s going to happen before getting the people into your organization.

At Pragmatic Works, our screening process is head and shoulders above that of the general staffing industry. Our candidates go through the same extensive screening process as our full-time hires, experts, consultants and architects. We make sure we screen specifically for your company and work hard to find the best fit for your team and for what your plan is going to need.

We use our preferred network of providers in the market to make sure the resources we bring to you will deliver the promises we make. Pragmatic Works has over 7,000 customers that trust us to bring the best people to work with their team and to look after the best interests of their business. Trust us to bring you the best expertise in the business to help drive your initiatives forward.