Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Incorporate Information from Survey Monkey Using REST Source

Written by Pragmatic Works | Jul 31, 2017

If you use Survey Monkey, are you looking for an easier way to get and utilize that information for your business? Survey Monkey is a great tool for getting useful information and keeping in touch with clients. At Pragmatic Works, we use it for things like post-event follow up, emails after demos for feedback and at the completion of consulting engagements.

The problem is, getting that information used to be a manual process for our Marketing Director, Liz Hamilton. She had to download a PDF or CSV to send to someone, and it often may have stayed in an email and wouldn’t get into our platforms that track our clients, like Salesforce or HubSpot.

That’s where Task Factory’s REST Source comes in. With REST Source, you can easily pull down the information you need from Survey Monkey, and incorporate it with the other platforms you use. All the external sources you may use (Salesforce, GoToWebinar and HubSpot, to name a few) hold important pieces of information about your business and are representative of what you’re doing. REST Source is an easy way to bring all these pieces together.

Here at Pragmatic Works, we use multiple platforms, as many businesses do. REST Source is a great way to have access to important information about your business, all in one place. It’s easy to implement, and saves time and effort, something we all need. Visit our website to learn more about Task Factory’s REST Source, or sign up for a free trial. As we like to say—don’t make it a dream, make it a plan.