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Introduction to Using SSIS with Azure

Written by Pragmatic Works | Jul 13, 2018

Companies across the globe are moving their data to the cloud. How does the ETL developer fit into that picture? What are the options that you have available for loading and moving data located in Microsoft’s Azure cloud service? Can you continue to use SSIS or do you have to use Azure Data Factory? In this webinar by Mitchell Pearson, you are going to learn how you can use SSIS, a tool you’re already familiar with, to interact with common resources in Azure like Azure Blob storage and Azure SQL Database.

One of the main focuses on this session is delving into the Azure Feature Pack; this includes connection managers, such as Azure Storage, Azure Subscription, Azure Data Lake, Azure Resource Manager and Azure HDInsight.  Additionally, it includes several tasks, including Blob Upload, Blob Download, Azure SQL DW Upload, Azure Data Lake Store File System, HDInsight Hive, HDInsight Pig and more. There are also components specifically for data flow, such as Blob Source and Blob Destination, Data Lake Store Source and Data Lake Store Destination.

Among the topics discussed in this session are:

  • How to take on-premise, hosted locally SSIS and have it interact with Azure resources
  • What is included in the Azure feature pack for SSIS
  • Demo on loading/downloading from Azure Blob storage
  • Demo on loading Azure SQL DB

Taking your on-premise SSIS solution to the cloud may seem like a daunting task, but with plenty of demos and in-depth detailing of how to manage this move, this webinar provides you with a solid foundation to begin your migration. Watch the complete webinar below. 

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