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October's POWER BI's Updates with Matt Peterson

Written by Matt Peterson | Oct 26, 2020

So… what’s new with Power BI this month? If you'd like to read about the updates to the program then below is a brief summary of the features I enjoyed the most from this month.  If you want the full experience and would like to see the new features demoed for you then check out the video Devin and I made for this month right here à October Power BI Updates   We hope this helps you along your Power BI journey.

 This month has quite a few updates and here are the ones I enjoy the most.

Updated Report View

If you are brand new to Power BI, this is the best update I have seen.  Now you have a nice welcoming watermark when you open the program.  The watermarks lead you to what your first step should probably be if you have never opened the program.  It also gives you the option of loading a sample dataset right from the start.

 Personalize Visuals

With this month’s update personalizing visuals on the service is no longer a preview feature, but generally available.  They have also made some tweaks to the feature in terms of drag and drop capability, change the default summarization of a field, and also letting the user know when they land on the report in the service that personalize visuals has been turned on.

 Automatic Table Detection from Excel files

This is a preview feature, so make sure you turn it on. This feature will analyze your Excel spreadsheets and try to determine if a certain range of cells could be classified as a table.  This helps reduce some of your query transforming steps like removing rows, promoting headers, appends, etc.

If you want to see all of the updates check out our video below.