Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Power BI Custom Visuals - Box and Whiskers Version 2

Written by Devin Knight | Feb 06, 2017

In this module, you will learn how to use the Box and Whiskers (Brad) Power BI Custom Visual.  This is the second of two Box and Whiskers visuals that we have covered. The Box and Whiskers chart is used to show things like data outliers, clusters of data points and the volume of data between two extremes.

Module 36 – Box and Whiskers (Brad)


Key Takeaways

  • Brad’s version of the Box and Whiskers visualizes every data point in a series on the Y-Axis.
  • With this version of the Box and Whiskers, quartiles can be manually adjusted to ranges you would prefer to see, but the defaults are Q1=.05, Q2=.25, Q3=.75, Q4=.95.

This Box and Whiskers visualizes various statistics around the fuel economy for various make and model cars.

  • Under the Format paintbrush, there are only a few customizations available for the Box and Whisker.
  • Under the Box Options, you have the ability to adjust each of the quartile section sizes.

In addition to these properties, you have a set of settings that appears on every visual to adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the aspect ratio.

Find Out More

You will always be able to find this video module and advanced viewing of future modules on the Pragmatic Works On-Demand Training platform or view my previous blog posts.