Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Power BI Custom Visuals - Impact Bubble Chart

Written by Devin Knight | Sep 07, 2017

In this module, you will learn how to use the Impact Bubble Chart Custom Visual.  The Impact Bubble Chart is an animated bubble chart that allows you to compare two entities against each other.

Module 67 – Impact Bubble Chart


Key Takeaways:

  • Allows you to compare two entities against each other.
  • Data Colors are based on the position on the chart.
  • Each bubble has a trend “shadow” displaying its previous location.
  • A Play Axis allows you to animate the chart.

This Impact Bubble Chart visual displays movie studies and their revenue earned.

  • Under the Format paintbrush there are a few settings that you can configure to adjust the chart appearance.
  • First, under the Data Colors setting you can change the colors that are used for each bubble depending on their placement on the chart. This also adjusts the color of the bar color that goes through the bubbles.

  • The X-Axis property allows you to adjust the beginning and ending points of your horizontal axis on the chart.

The Y-Axis property allows you to adjust the beginning and ending points of your vertical axis on the chart.

You can also adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the aspect ratio under the Format section.

Find Out More

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