Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Power BI Custom Visuals - Venn Diagram by MAQ Software

Written by Devin Knight | Nov 29, 2017

In this module, you will learn how to use the Venn Diagram Custom Visual by MAQ Software. The Venn Diagram shows relationships between two or more categories with overlapping circles.

Module 79 – Venn Diagram (MAQ Software)


Key Takeaways

  • Uses overlapping circles to show relationships between two or more categories.
  • You can display up to four categories and one measure.
  • Legend section can be turned on or off.

This Venn Diagram displays people surveyed about their favorite movie genres.

  • Under the Format paintbrush, there are a several configurations that can be adjusted on this visual.
  • The Legend section allows you to adjust the appearance and location of the chart legend.

  • Using the Data colors section, you can manually adjust the colors used for each circle.

  • Under the Labels section, you can change how the labels on top of each circle in the diagram appear.

  • Using the Opacity section, you can change the transparency of both the internal and external circles on the Venn Diagram.

You can also adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the aspect ratio under the Format section.

Find Out More

You will always be able to find this video module and advanced viewing of future modules on the Pragmatic Works On-Demand Training platform or view my previous blog posts.