Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Power BI Monthly Digest (March 2021)

Written by Devin Knight | Mar 24, 2021

Welcome to the latest Power BI Monthly Digest, where Pragmatic Works president Devin Knight and trainer Matt Peterson look at the latest additions to the ever-evolving Power BI platform.

In our March 2021 edition, we are continuing the ongoing previews for DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services, Small Multiples, and the Model View UI. In addition to the previews, we are simplifying the process to specify filters in the DAX CALCULATE function. To be able to view information about when the report was last refreshed you must look on the Service side. From the service side, you will click on a dataset in the workspace list view, and will be transferred to our new dataset details page. As well as being able to view information about the last refreshment of the report and to find the option to actually create a new report.

Watch the video to see walkthroughs and step-by-steps of each new feature, plus hear insights from Devin and Matt. Let us know what you think about the latest additions in the comments below.

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