Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Successful Data Platform Migration

Written by Pragmatic Works | Apr 12, 2017

Data platform migration can be a big, scary project for organizations, but at Pragmatic Works we have an incredible reputation of success through our years of experience with data platform and BI work.  To make the most of your data migration initiative and make sure it’s successful, there are a few factors you need to focus on.

1. Stop putting off your investment in the cloud.

Hybrid and cloud solutions can give you much faster migration times, more flexibility and cost savings. These solutions also give you agility in the way that you deploy and manage your platforms and applications. If you’re thinking of only on premise migration, you are not considering all the opportunities the cloud could deliver for you.

2.  Migration needs to have a plan.

What is the plan for your data? Why are you migrating to another platform? You may be migrating to SQL Server 2016, for example, to take advantage of better reporting capabilities or better analytics. But you also may want to be in the cloud. Understanding your goals will help drive your choices and make your data platform migration a success.

3. Do integrated, synthetic testing to be sure your data is validated.

One of the biggest risks in platform migration is that the data may be changed or invalidated during the migration process. It’s imperative to have a solution that does synthetic data testing to validate the data between all the different environments. That's why Pragmatic Works created LegiTest.  LegiTest enables you to drive synthetic data testing to be sure all data is validated, without extensive, costly manual testing. LegiTest adds a level of confidence to successful data platform migration.

Pragmatic Works has done countless data platform migrations for customers. Throughout our experiences we’ve created best practices around the migration process and applications testing, and helped customers to avoid a lot of pitfalls over the years.

If you’re looking to do a data platform migration, or need help leveraging the new features of SQL Server 2016, contact us. You can be confident that Pragmatic Works will help you make a successful data platform migration.