Pragmatic Works Nerd News

The #1 Way to Use the Cloud to Accelerate Your Business - Power BI

Written by Adam Jorgensen | Sep 10, 2018

I know there are a lot of buzzwords out there today like ‘transformation’ and ‘acceleration’. Every day something is written about these buzzwords and how the cloud can help. But today I’ll keep it short and sweet. In this post, I’ll tell you the #1 way to use the cloud to accelerate your business.

This thing is proven by our customers as the #1 thing they do that moves them into the cloud faster, gets their people working better with their data and improves their top and bottom lines. Sounds good, right? OK, here it is—Power BI.

Microsoft’s Power BI platform, and all the things that go along with it, allows you to share your data and it’s an easy, rapid deployment product. At Pragmatic Works, we can quickly get Power BI deployed in an enterprise and it’s fully secure, manages identity and data security. We also offer a Power BI Managed Services platform, so we can manage it for you.

We can focus on getting people to use it that are struggling, as well as get rid of your report backlog. Oftentimes, you don’t need 1 to 1 reports; you may have a couple hundred reports on your old system and you only need 10-20 on the new one. We can look and see what you’re really using and see how we can collapse that, which will greatly cut down on your deployment time.

It’s time to stop worrying about managing your BI platforms and get onto Power BI. Yes, it still requires some management and someone who knows what they’re doing to ensure it’s working in the enterprise. But it’s a game changer in its ability to be used by every person in your organization.

And we’re here to help. Let us help you manage the setup, make sure it’s secure and the gateway and refresh are working. We’ll take care of all that, so you can focus on growing your business, using your data and accelerating it by using Power BI in ways you couldn’t in the past.

We see this all the time with so many of our customers – they hand off the management and they accelerate their business. If you’re interested in how we can deploy and manage Power BI in your business, contact us – we’re here and ready to help.