Pragmatic Works Nerd News

The Complete Beginners Azure Overview

Written by Pragmatic Works | Jan 09, 2020

Everyone is talking about moving to the cloud and using Azure. Do you want to learn the benefits of using Azure solutions? In a recent webinar, Sr. Consultant, Leslie Andrews, reviews the basics of Azure services and introduces you to some of the core products this tool has to offer.

What can you do in the cloud and how do you do it? In this beginner overview session, you’ll learn the basics of the core architecture of Azure and some of the core products and services, as well as the benefits of using Azure solutions.

The webinar begins with reviewing Azure’s physical architecture:

  • Datacenters
  • Regions, Geographies and Region Pairs
  • Availability Zones

Azure architecture provides benefits such as high availability, scalability, elasticity, fault tolerance and disaster recovery.

Next, you’ll learn about what you can build with Azure services. The core services the cloud can provide are divided into three categories: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). Leslie delves into and compares each of these services in terms of what you or your IT team provides vs what the service provides.

The remainder of this webinar is spent on getting started with Azure. Topics covered include:

  • Signing Up
  • Subscriptions
  • Resources and Resource Groups
  • Azure Services
  • Policies
  • Security
  • Cost

So, if you’re thinking about moving to Azure and not sure how to start, this webinar is for you. This webinar will give you a complete overview of what you can do in the Azure cloud and how you do it. You can watch the complete webinar below. To view the presenter’s slides click here.

If you need help with cloud migration or want to learn more about what Azure can do for your business, you’ve come to the right place. Our team of experts are here to answer questions and get you started from the planning stage to implementation. Click the link below or contact us to start a conversation—we’re here to help you take your business from good to great.