Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Webinar Follow-Up: SSIS Tales From the Road

Written by Liz Hamilton | Jun 17, 2014

Presenter: Anthony Martin

SQL Server Integration Services is a versatile tool that makes it easy to move and transform data. Sometimes unusual situations present themselves that leave developers scratching their heads. In this webinar,  Anthony will demonstrate how to handle some of these oddball challenges.

Click here to watch the full webinar.

Click here to view Anthony Martin's blog.

Follow-Up Questions:

Q:  Could the file cache be used between packages in the same projects?

Yes, the ‘Use file cache’ option of the Cache Transform transformation can be used between packages that are in the same project or even different projects. 

In order to do this, you’ll need to configure the Cache Transform with the ‘Use file cache’ option and execute the package.  This is because the Cache Transform file (.caw extension) is created until the package is executed.  Next, in another package that you want to reuse the Cache Transform file, add a Lookup transformation to a Data Flow Task.  While configuring the Lookup transformation, select the ‘Cache Connection Manager’ connection type on the ‘General’ page.  On the ‘Connection’ page, click ‘New’ to create a new Cache Connection Manager, select the ‘Use File Cache’ option and browse to the location where the file was created in the previous package.  Configure the rest of the Lookup transformation just like you normally would and you are all set!

Q:  Are Lookup Transformations better than just using Stored Procedures in the Source component?

If the connection for the source and the lookup are on the same database and correct indexing exists then a stored procedure in the source component that performs the join for you is probably the appropriate choice.  However, if the source and the lookup connections are on different database servers or different file types altogether then the lookup transformation is one of only a few options available and is a highly efficient transformation if configured using the default settings.

Q:  Could you please share the SSIS project and SSMS solution?

I’ve posted both solutions to my OneDrive.  You can access them here.