Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Best Tutorials and Samples for Azure

Written by Adam Jorgensen | Apr 17, 2018

I get it, you want to get started with Azure and there’s so much to know and learn that it can be overwhelming. In this short edition of Azure Every Day, I’d like to tell you about finding samples, tutorials and examples that are available for Azure.

You can go to Pragmatic Works’ blog for some great ones, but one of the best places to find these resources is You can scroll to the bottom of the page and go to Resources. Here you’ll find at least 600+ (probably 700-800 by the time this video posts) individual examples, tutorials and resources across every Azure service. There are too many to list here, as there are about 75 services covered.

These resources can get you started on a multitude of things, such as IoT, AppDev, networking, batch, compute, IaaS for virtual machines, all data workloads, SQL Database and Data Warehouse, to name just a few. Any workload that you want to try, you can get access to the resources to help you.

So, get yourself a free Azure account, go to and check out the Resources page. And if you have questions or you’re ready to get started with Azure, we are the people to talk to. Click the link below or contact us, we’d love to help.