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Building a Chatbot with Azure Bot Framework

Written by Pragmatic Works | Jul 09, 2020

Do you want to learn how to build a chatbot? In this recent free webinar, you’ll get an introduction to the Azure Bot Framework and learn how to build both LUIS and QnA Maker knowledge bases that take advantage of Azure’s NLP (natural language processing) to route your user’s conversations.

This webinar begins with answering the question, why chatbots? Key reasons include:

  • Well trained chatbots can respond faster and more accurately than humans and are never unavailable (or offline).
  • They can reduce strain on call centers and easily answer FAQs.
  • Using a chatbot as a “gate-keeper” for live assistants is extremely effective in reducing call center volume.

Chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) which is how computers analyze text and voice conversations to gather information from interactions with people. It allows users to speak conversationally with a bot and it can identify sentiment, intent, and entities to act upon.

The natural language processing unit discussed and demoed in the presentation is This is Microsoft’s cloud-based API language understanding service that applies custom machine learning intelligence to a user’s conversation. The other tool used is the QnA Maker that works together with LUIS to import pre-existing FAQs and create an easily manageable knowledge base for organization SMEs.

This webinar is mainly demo-based so you’ll take a deep dive into building an International Space Station (ISS) chatbot to track the ISS. If you’re looking to learn how to build your first chatbot, then this webinar is for you.

Watch the complete webinar below. To view the presenter’s slides, click here.

Want to learn more about chatbots, the Azure Bot Framework or Azure in general, or how to integrate any Azure product or service into your organization? Our consultants are industry experts and MVPs that are here to answer questions or discuss your roadmap to the Azure cloud or to get you started with all that Azure has to offer. Contact us or click below to learn more about how we can help.