Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Introducing Our New Course - Building BI with Pivot Tables

Written by Pragmatic Works | May 02, 2017

If you’re an Excel user that’s interested in Pivot Tables and working with data, then this course is for you!

In this in-depth course, you will go deep into Excel capabilities and focus on what is possible with Pivot Tables. You’ll learn everything you need to know about working with Pivot Tables including:

- How to bring data into Pivot Tables, including using Power Query
- How to interact, format and analyze it
- How to refresh the data
- How to build a dashboard around Pivot Tables

This course is designed by Ken Puls, an Excel MVP and expert in the industry. Ken used his expertise to create, as he says, “the most in-depth, thorough Pivot Table course out there”. By the end of this course, you will feel confident sourcing, cleansing, and analyzing data through Pivot Tables.

Sign up for a free trial to learn more about what’s covered in this course, as well as Pragmatic Works many other course offerings.

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