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On-premise vs Cloud Modern Data Warehouse - Which is Right for You?

Written by Pragmatic Works | Oct 08, 2019

Many people ask the question, which is right for my company, on-premise or cloud modern data warehouse? In a recent webinar, David Hay, teaches you what you should look at to make the best decision for your organization between cloud vs on-premise modern data warehouse, as well as what the implementation process entails to stay within time and budget.

As the world is changing and data is rapidly growing, many organizations are struggling with this data growth and the decision to adopt on-premise or cloud strategies. When making that decision, it’s important to understand the cloud and the differences between an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS) method. This webinar will start off with giving you an understanding of each method and touch upon investing in AI and machine learning in cloud solutions.

David will discuss lessons learned from a Financial Impact Study done with a client based on predictive analytics and ROI from a business intelligence perspective and how those lessons can help with your on premise vs cloud data warehouse decision. Next up, how to look at your business from a data warehouse perspective and where you are in the analytical maturity curve. This is an important thing to look at to see where your organization is currently and if you decide on-prem is the way to go, how can you set this up for more easily moving to the cloud in the future.

The remainder of this presentation is spent digging into the steps on building a data architecture solution and how to define your process whether on-prem or in a cloud environment. About 75% of data warehouse projects fail in the planning stage or get out of hand with cost. This webinar will help you understand where things can go wrong and what is the best strategy and path for your organization to keep within budget and make your project a success.

So, if you’re working on your data warehouse solution and deciding whether on premise or cloud is best for your organization, this webinar is for you. Watch the complete webinar below. To view the presentation slides, click here.

If you have questions or need help with your data warehouse solution, our consulting offerings can help you no matter where you are in your journey. From planning to implementation, we have the right team of experts with the right knowledge to help you take your business where you want it to go. Contact us or click the link below—let us help you take your business from good to great.