Pragmatic Works Nerd News

Why I Love Working at Pragmatic Works During the Holidays

Written by Kim Stinehour | Dec 17, 2015


My name is Kim Stinehour and I'm the Human Resources Manager here at Pragmatic Works. I’ve been with the company since the very beginning and I’ve watched us grow so much over the years. I could write pages about all of the things I love about working here. But one of my favorite things is the work we do within the community.

In past years during the holidays, we have sponsored families from local churches and bought presents for the children in need. Last year, we reached out to Seamark Ranch and asked them what we could do for the children there. Seamark Ranch is a local group home for less fortunate children, some of which have been abused or neglected. The children live there, go to school there and help maintain the working farm and ranch. Seamark Ranch was built in 2007 and has served over 100 children. It is a nurturing Christian home and family system that gives children from families in crisis the tools they need for a brighter future. They help provide an ideal setting for love, stabilization, healing, education and empowerment.

When I spoke to a representative from the ranch and told her we wanted to help out for Christmas, she was so grateful and gave me a list of things the boys and girls wanted for the induvial homes. It was quite a list and I confident we could get a few of the things on the list. I started communicating with our employees and collecting money and the donations poured in! We were able to give those children two big screen TV’s, 2 XBOX’s, several games and extra controllers. We even had enough money left over to treat them with gift cards to a nice restaurant. I was so overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity or our employees.

Once the gifts were collected, I had the privilege of going with Brian Knight, our founder, to deliver everything to the ranch. I was able to bring my husband and two sons. We were given a tour of the ranch and met some of the kids. It was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. I was amazed at what an incredible place the Seamark Ranch is. As we were walking through the ranch a few of the boys took my sons to show them some of the animals and barns. They both still talk about what an impact the Seamark Ranch had on them. I know that day will be one we will never forget.

This year, we are teaming up with the Seamark Ranch again and I’m hoping we can make the kids' Christmas extra special!

For more information on Seamark Ranch, visit