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Data Science w/ Azure ML

Written by Manuel Quintana | Aug 02, 2018

Cash registers, websites, patients, employees, customers, students, machines, warehouses and nearly every other aspect of the modern business world generates enormous amounts of data. Hiding within these ever-increasing mountains of data are patterns that can optimize nearly every business decision. By educating yourself on data science and Azure ML, you will be able to leverage your data to extract new understandings to benefit both your company and your customers. 

Who is this information designed for?

This class is designed for individuals who are looking to dive into Data Science. We will primarily be looking at Azure Machine Learning, but this course will illuminate the ideas and concepts behind Data Science. 

Is there any prior knowledge required for this video?

An understanding of the BI ecosystem, such data sets, columns and tables. It will be helpful to have a basic understanding of the data life cycle.

Why is understanding how to use Data Science and Azure ML important?

The ability to extract knowledge from data is critical. Predictive analytics will help move your organization to the next level, and help make insightful predictions for the future.  Azure ML is one of the tools we can use for data science, and it allows us to create these predictive analytics without having to be an expert in statistics. 

What does this course offer that you can’t find anywhere else?

The content is fresh and up to date, in a nice consolidated environment, while at the same time broken into pieces so that you can revisit any areas you would like to review again with ease. Data Science is such a broad, overwhelming term; we provide an organized location to easily immerse yourself and gain confidence in your newfound knowledge.

What are the key takeaways from this tutorial?

You will be well versed in both Data Science and Azure ML. Additionally, at the conclusion of this course you will be able to create your own predictive experiment, whether it's a forecast or classification experiment.

Data Science and Azure Machine Learning are the core components used to understand, transform, model and execute data patterns. If you are looking for a well-organized and detailed introduction to Data Science and Azure ML, this is the ideal course for you to begin your journey. You’ll gain valuable insight into the power of your data and how you can best utilize it to anticipate the future direction of your company.

To learn more about this class, please visit