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10 Characteristics of a Gangsta Geek

10 Characteristics of a Gangsta Geek


Every year on May 25, geeks worldwide come together in celebration of Geek Pride Day. Originally celebrated in 2006, the holiday has quickly gained international popularity largely in part due to the Internet. 

Here at Pragmatic Works, not only are we geeks, we're Gangsta Geeks. And we're not afraid to show it! 

So what exactly is a Gangsta Geek? Gangsta Geeks are smart, resourceful, fun, knowledgeable and passionate individuals who are proud to be Gangsta Geeks. They're so geeky, it's gangsta. No shame in their geek game!

10 Characteristics of a Gangsta Geek

Gangsta-Geek-SSAS-Master1. Gangsta Geeks are Masters, SSAS Masters that is.  They also use code GANGSTAGEEK for 10% off any master virtual training course (code expires 5/31/15). 

2. Gangsta Geeks always know the air-speed velocity of an Unladen Swallow.

3. Gangsta Geeks have a disaster recovery plan - not like they'll ever need it though. 

4. Gangsta Geeks are confident in the accuracy of their data thanks to LegiTest. 

5. Gangsta Geeks have power levels always over 9,000.

6. Gangsta Geeks have their heads and their data in the cloud. 

7. Gangsta Geeks never write the same code twice with the help of BIxPress’s productivity tools.

8. Gangsta Geeks can solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded and with one hand tied behind their backs.

9. Gangsta Geeks stay in the know for all our upcoming trainings.

10. Gangsta Geeks are made up of 88% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation and 2% caffeine.

Of course those aren't the only characteristics of a Gangsta Geek, so we'd love to know: What makes you a Gangsta Geek? Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments below for your chance to win some Pragmatic Works' swag! We'll turn some of our favorite responses into e-cards and share them on Twitter to celebrate Geek Pride. 

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