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Cheat Sheets

Quick references for when you need a little guidance.



Discover how to utilize Copilot's power with a guide on defining roles, actions, and outcomes. Includes examples for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, OneNote, and Whiteboard.

Power BI Resources

Power BI

A comprehensive Power BI resource for both novices and advanced users. It includes tutorials, guides, and tips to enhance your Power BI skills.

Power Apps

Power Apps

Basic formulas you can use to make changes to control properties, including format, position, simple calculations, and implementing conditional formatting.



Video tutorials, guides, and expert tips to help beginners and seasoned users optimize and enhance their SQL skills.

Power Automate icon

Power Automate

Guidance on using trigger conditions to optimize flow performance, licensing considerations, and resource management. Plus, links to resources such as tutorial videos, a free developer license, and the Center of Excellence Toolkit for administrative efficiency.



Frequently utilized DAX functions and operators that can be combined to build formulas and expressions in a more effective way.



How to use common expressions in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) that enable us to handle various things dynamically at run-time.



A breakdown of the most used Integration Services (SSIS) expressions, which are a combination of symbols-identifiers, functions, literals, and operators that yield a single data value.

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