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All About Brad:Brad Schacht is a Senior BI Consultant and lives in Jacksonville, FL. He was an author on the book “SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer” and tech edited the “SQL 2012 Bible”. His experience includes SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, data warehousing, DTS, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS and migrations and conversions on the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform. He has helped numerous companies in successfully developing and implementing new business intelligence solutions into their organizations. Bradley also participates as a speaker in community events like PASS Summit, SQL Saturday, Code Camp, SQL Lunch and SQL Server User Groups. He is a contributor on sites such as SQL Server Central as well as an active member of the Jacksonville SQL Server User Group (JSSUG).
Awards & Achievements:
Pragmatic Works 2014 Presidents Award (He got a free trip out of this one!)
Pragmatic Works 2014 Foxhole Award (He's good at fixing problems.)
Pragmatic Works 2013 Consultant of the Year
Pragmatic Works 2012 Webinar Master
Pragmatic Works 2012 Top Consultant
Brad Fun Facts:
1. He has an unhealthy obsession with meat pizza.
2. Yet he loathes vegetables on pizza.
3. He oddly likes Perry the Platypus from the Disney show Phineas & Ferb.
4. He loves the Atlanta Braves.
5. Brother-in-law to the Pragmatic Works Training Lead, Devin Knight.
Where to Find Brad:
SharePoint for Business Intelligence Virtual Training Courses
You can also find him at many SQL events all over the world!
Do you have any SharePoint of SSIS questions for Brad? Leave them in the comments section below and we'll make sure he answers them! THE AUTHOR
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