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As Power BI developers, we create dashboards that we want our end users to use, but today we want to show you a tip to solve a common issue. When users select a visual or tile on a dashboard, it automatically redirects to the report that the visual corresponds with. In some cases, that’s fine. But oftentimes, users don’t need to, or possibly should not have access to, anything at the report level.
In this demo, we’ll show you how to prevent this by changing the redirect path within the individual tiles. Let’s take a look:
Remember, this will need to be done for each tile on the dashboard, but these quick steps will ensure that your users aren’t redirected to reports they don’t need to, or shouldn’t, see.
If you’ve run into this issue, you’ve now got an easy solution. Be sure to keep an eye out for more tips and tricks within the Power BI Desktop services. Need Power BI Training? Our On-Demand Training platform offers 9 Power BI courses included in our library of 30+ courses covering Business Intelligence, SQL Server, Business Analytics and more. Sign up for a free trial today!
Nick has been a dedicated trainer and consultant since 2018, leveraging his extensive experience working with major companies, including Fortune 200 corporations, professional sports organizations, government entities, and leading firms in the finance and healthcare sectors. With a specialized focus on Power BI and data engineering, Nick has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive data-driven decision-making and optimize business processes. His commitment to excellence and his in-depth technical expertise have made him a trusted advisor and sought-after expert in the industry.
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