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Starting February 24th, Chris Albrektson & Devin Knight will be teaching an intro to SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) workshop. This two full day event it will be packed with both Multi-Dimensional and Tabular/PowerPivot demos and exercises.
It will be an in person workshop at the Microsoft office in Austin, Texas. The workshop is on February 24th & 25th and is available for only $399.
During this two day training course you will learn Analysis Services from the ground up. This class teaches you the fundamentals of developing effective Multidimensional cubes and Tabular Models. Some of the topics covered in this class are: how to create and configure a cube and dimensions, how to write queries for Multidimensional cubes and Tabular models, how to define calculations, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and perspectives, how to administer and deploy SSAS, and administering SSAS. In addition, we will focus on making the best decision on which Analysis Service technology to choose when starting your projects.
“If you have become or expect to become responsible for SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) in your shop you owe it to yourself to take this course.”
-Bryant Byrd, SR. BI Systems Analyst, Eastman Chemical Company
Chris is an experienced BI Consultant and Trainer at Pragmatic Works. During his tenure at Pragmatic Works, he has designed and developed BI solutions using the Microsoft BI stack for a wide variety of customers across multiple industries. Recently, he has worked with the publishing company Wrox as a technical editor for some of its newest SQL BI books. He also speaks at Code Camps and SQL Saturdays across the country. He is also a member his local users’ group (JSSUG). Learn more about SSAS, SSTS and other topics by visiting his blog.
Devin a Microsoft SQL Server MVP and the Training Director at Pragmatic Works Consulting. He is an author of six SQL Server books and speaks at conferences like PASS Summit, PASS Business Analytics Conference, SQL Saturdays and Code Camps. He is also a contributing member to the PASS Business Intelligence Virtual Chapter. Making his home in Jacksonville, FL, Devin is the President of the local users’ group (JSSUG). You can read about Devin's thoughts at
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