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Let's Make a Power App (Round 2)

Let's Make a Power App (Round 2)

Power App Round 2

In this second installment, we will start to build our app.  Now, I will not just guide you click by click of building the app, but more importantly, I will do my best to explain how all the coding and features are working in the background so you can take this knowledge to design an app specific to your needs.

Below is a list of items we will be covering:

  • Setting colors for text, backgrounds, and images
  • Setting up variables do to the heavy lifting for us throughout our whole process
  • Showcase an external website https://imagecolorpicker.com/en/  that helps with color palettes that are aesthetically pleasing to your end-user
  • Insert images, shapes, and text
  • Insert galleries that reference our created data sources from our first video

The goal of these next few blogs and videos is to build an app, but not do it too quickly.  I want to let the information soak in one week at a time without overwhelming anyone.  If you think the videos cover too much or not enough material for one session please email me at mpeterson@pragmaticworks.com so I can modify the future sessions.

If you would like to follow along click for click it is important that you watch the session 1 video for setting up your Power Apps environment.  

Session 1 Video: Power Apps Session 1

Session 2 Video: Power Apps Session 2 

Enjoy and have fun! 

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