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In this video, Amelia Roberts demonstrates how to integrate Microsoft Forms with Power BI to transform survey data into actionable insights. Microsoft Forms is an excellent tool for creating surveys, quizzes, and various data collection forms, while Power BI allows you to analyze this data in real-time. With this integration, you can streamline the process of data analysis and visualize your results efficiently.
Amelia walks through the process of linking data from Microsoft Forms to Power BI:
Amelia emphasizes the importance of cleaning up the imported data to make it suitable for reporting. This includes removing unnecessary columns and making sure key columns are retained for better analysis in Power BI.
Amelia shares an example report she created using survey data from Microsoft Forms. The report includes key metrics such as the total number of surveys completed, along with visualizations that break down responses based on different questions. She demonstrates how to use Power BI's data transformation tools to clean the raw data and make it usable for analysis.
One of the highlights of this integration is the ability to see real-time updates in Power BI. Amelia shows how survey data can be refreshed in Power BI Desktop, and once published to the Power BI service, the data can be kept up to date through scheduled refreshes.
By integrating Microsoft Forms with Power BI, you can effectively turn survey responses into real-time insights, making it easier to analyze and visualize the data you collect. With features like data transformation and real-time updates, this integration streamlines the entire process from data collection to reporting.
Don't forget to check out the Pragmatic Works' on-demand learning platform for more insightful content and training sessions on Microsoft Forms, Power BI and other Microsoft applications. Be sure to subscribe to the Pragmatic Works YouTube channel to stay up-to-date on the latest tips and tricks.
Amelia Roberts has a Master's in Education and spent 10 years teaching grades K-12 before joining the Pragmatic Works Training Team. Her goal at Pragmatic Works is provide energetic and engaging trainings that build up your confidence in various programs. Her outside hobbies include coaching a dance team, reading, and experiencing life with her son.
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