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June On-Demand Training News

June On-Demand Training News


A lot of exciting things are happening this month with our On-Demand Training Platform. If you're looking for the best training platform for you or your business, Pragmatic Works On-Demand Training is just what you're looking for.  With over 30 deep-dive courses in Business Intelligence, SQL Server, Big Data and more, plus our Interactive Learning Path and Management Portal, we've got you covered. 

We are constantly developing new courses to add to our training platform. One of our newest course offerings is Advanced DAX. This class is designed for anyone who has taken our Introduction to DAX course, or has been working with DAX and is comfortable with the language, and is looking to take DAX to the next level. Our Advanced DAX course, written by Mitchell Pearson, one of our Business Intelligence Consultants, is for users that have mastered the basics of the DAX language to improve the analytical capabilities of their data models, and are ready to move on to more complex calculations. If you're ready to take your DAX skills to the next level, this course is for you! 

With our goal to add new courses to offer the best range of topics and keep up with the latest technology (we added 10 new data-centric courses in 2016), we believe it's important to make sure we're giving you the content you need.  Please take a moment to complete this survey and let us know what courses you would like to see next. All our courses are written and taught by industry experts and we pride ourselves on offering in depth courses in the all the topics you need. 

Investing in training for you and your business is extremely important to stay current in an ever-changing technological world, and we know the investment can be a big decision. eLearning is the trend for training with benefits like reduction in training costs and better retention rates for trainees, among others. Pragmatic Works On-Demand Training helps you take advantage of all the benefits of eLearning. Our training platform is the best in the business. Visit our website to learn more about all our courses, training packages and to take advantage of our Free Trial.

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