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Power BI Custom Visuals - Gantt

Power BI Custom Visuals - Gantt


In this module you will learn how to use the Gantt Power BI Custom Visual.  Using the Gantt chart helps to easily visualize project timelines and deliverable completion.

Module 43 – Gantt



Key Takeaways

  • Has the ability to display a “Today” line, indicating the current date in relation to the project schedule.
  • Allows you to show duration of a task, as well as the percentage complete.


This Gantt chart shows each task of a project, who is currently working that task, and what stage it is in the process.

  • Under the Format paintbrush there are several customizations available for the Gantt chart.
  • Using the General section you can choose Group Tasks, which will group any tasks with the same name together. By default, they are separated by tasks and by the Legend.


  • In the Legend section you can change the position and attribute of the legend text (size, color, etc.).


  • The Category Labels are the text on the left hand side of the chart. By modifying this section, you can change the color or size of the text and adjust the width that this part of the chart is allotted.


  • Under the Task Completion section you can control what color the % Completion field is shown as.


  • Using the Data Labels properties you can adjust how the data labels are visualized on the chart.


  • Finally, under Gantt Data type section you can adjust the granularity that this chart is displayed as.


In addition to these properties, there are settings that appear on every visual to adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the aspect ratio.

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