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The Next Generation of Training

The Next Generation of Training

Over the last five years, training and education have seen drastic changes in how course material is delivered. The reason is because many students simply cannot attend a training class that has a set start and end time and/or eats up twenty to thirty hours of their week. The reality for many of us is that work comes first, and it is impossible to be completely disconnected from our regular nine to five job to attend a training class.

With technology training, this is even more prevalent because of how frequently the technology itself changes. Being able to keep up has never been more difficult. So what do you do? Do you send your team to training over and over again and hope that work emergencies don’t constantly pull them away from an instructor led class?

The answer is self-paced training. That means attending training when it suits you and not when a company schedules it. It means being able to learn anywhere, including on tablets and phones, not just from a classroom.

The market for self-paced training is growing. There are many companies already providing this type of training and some are even available for free. So how do you know which to pick? How do I know that the company I choose will have what I need and keep their training updated? What if I really need to talk to someone with questions I have about the class or how I’m going to implement this in my organization?

Bottom line, do your research. You have to find the company and courses that work best with your needs and schedule. Often times, companies tout the number of courses they have but you will find out rather quickly that their classes leave you begging for more. These classes provide you nothing more than a cursory overview, something Pragmatic Works offers in our Free Training webinars, rather than the deep dive you really need. 

For some people, on-demand training will never be the right fit. Some people learn best when they have a live instructor to talk to. If that is the case, there are several alternatives for you to consider. First, you can attend an in-person workshop. These courses are taught all around the world and often allow you to have a personal interaction with the instructor. Next, if you still like the idea of digital training but would just like a little help, then consider virtual training. Rather than leaving you on your own, virtual courses can provide guidance in the form of a virtual mentor. These classes give you the ability to learn from the comfort of your own office or home while still giving you the instructor interaction.

Here are a few things to remember when purchasing self-paced training:

  • Do your research. Make sure the package you select has everything you need and gives you the time needed to absorb the content.
  • Remember the benefits! You can learn when, where and how you want.
  • Self-paced training may not be right for you. There are plenty of great instructor-taught training courses out there.

Do you prefer in-person, virtual, or self-paced training? Let us know which you prefer and why in the comments below.

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