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By now, most people have heard of PowerApps, the incredible tool that’s part of the Microsoft Power Platform. PowerApps lets you quickly build internal business applications with little or no code. You can build highly customized canvas apps with data from multiple sources, as well as model-driven apps from your data model and business processes. All these can be shared across the web, mobile devices or tablets.
But many have asked, what about sharing apps with people outside my organization? Well, now you can with the recently introduced PowerApps Portals. In a recent webinar, Brian Knight, will teach you all you need to know about this new product that gives you the ability to build low-code, responsive websites which allow external users to interact with the data stored in the Common Data Service.
Brian discusses all the amazing capabilities of PowerApps Portals:
The webinar will also cover Azure Common Data Service for apps, as well the benefits of unifying to one high-productivity application platform. PowerApps Portals licensing costs will be discussed and the coming release of PowerApps for Guests which will allow external users to access apps (estimated to come out in October of this year).
Brian will spend time demoing how to get started with PowerApps Portals. Be sure to watch the complete webinar below to learn all about this great new tool! To view the presentation slides, click here.
If you’re in need of development help but don’t need or have the budget for a full-time developer, our Power Platform Pros Shared Development offering is the perfect fit. With Shared Development, you get the same developer dedicated for the time you need, even for as little as 20 hours/month, 8 hours of on-demand support and no onboarding and set up fee.
To learn more about how Pragmatic Works Shared Development can extend your team to build the beautiful reports, dashboards and apps you need, at a fraction of what it would cost for a full-time developer, click the link below.
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