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Advanced T-SQL

Intensive course for SQL developers: Advanced Querying with T-SQL. Real-world examples, multiple solution methods, emphasis on optimal query writing. Enhance your skills and performance optimization techniques.

  • Course Info
  • Instructor
  • System Requirements
  • What to know beforehand

Course Description

Advanced Querying with T-SQL is an intensive course designed specifically for SQL developers. This course has been designed using examples from real world scenarios. In many cases the course will demonstrate the different methods to solve a particular scenario and then explain why one may be better than another due to performance reasons. The course has a heavy emphasis on writing optimal queries.

Course Outline ( Free Preview)

Advanced T-SQL - What do you need to get started

Module 00 - Advanced T-SQL Introduction

Module 01 - Execution Plan Basics

Module 02 - Working with NULLS 19 min.

Module 03A - Window Functions (Ranking Functions) 22 min.

Module 03B - Window Functions (Aggregate Function) 14 min.

Module 03C - Window Functions (Framing) 26 min.

Module 03D - Window Functions (Alternative Methods) 10 min.

Module 03E - Window Functions (Analytical Functions) 21 min.

Module 04A - Working with Sets (EXCEPT) 24 min.

Module 04B - Working with Sets (INTERSECT and UNION) 12 min.

Module 05A - Advanced Joins (Self Joins) 26 min.

Module 05B - Advanced Joins (NON-EQUI, CROSS and OUTER Joins) 27 min.

Module 06A - Functions (Scalar Functions) 23 min.

Module 06B - Functions (Table-Valued Functions) 36 min.

Module 07A - Apply Operator (Introduction to Apply) 18 min.

Module 07B - Apply Operator (Apply for Performance) 23 min.

Module 08A - Pivot and UnPivot (PIVOT) 17 min.

Module 08B - Pivot and UnPivot (UNPIVOT) 12 min.

Module 09 - Subqueries 22 min.

Module 10A - CTEs, Temp Tables and Derived Tables (Introduction to CTEs) 24 min.

Module 10B - CTEs, Temp Tables and Derived Tables (Simplifying Complex Problems) 15 min.

Module 10C - CTEs, Temp Tables and Derived Tables (Derived Tables) 25 min.

Module 10D - CTEs, Temp Tables and Derived Tables (Recursion and Modifying Data) 29 min.

Module 10E - CTEs, Temp Tables and Derived Tables (Temp Tables) 19 min.

Module 11 - HASHBYTES and CHECKSUM 21 min.

Module 12 - IF.. ELSE and EXISTS 30 min.

Module 13 - Merge 15 min.

Module 14A - Miscellaneous Functions 32 min.

Module 14B - Miscellaneous Functions (SQL Server 2016 New Features) 26 min.

Module 15 - Dynamic SQL 38 min.

Module 16 - Cursors and While Loop 29 min.

Module 17A - XML (XML RAW) 14 min.

Module 17B - XML (XML AUTO) 16 min.

Module 17C - XML (XML PATH) 16 min.

Module 17D - XML (XML Shredding) 22 min.

Module 17E - XML (XQUERY) 17 min.

Module 17F - XML (XML PATH - Comma Delimited List) 9 min.

Module 18 - Transactions 18 min.

Module 19 - Error Handling 28 min.

This course includes:

  • 13+ hours of training
  • 40 Modules
  • * Access on mobile and browser
  • Certificate of Completion