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Introduction to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Join our intro class on Azure SQL DB Managed Instance. Gain insights into its benefits, performance options, pricing, and comparison with Azure SQL DB. Decide if it's right for your organization and learn how to provision it.

  • Course Info
  • Instructor
  • System Requirements
  • What to know beforehand

Course Description

In this introductory class for Azure SQL DB Managed Instance, users will get an overview of what this azure service can bring to your organization. A major focus will look at various performance options and the pricing that comes along with making certain decisions. Also there will be some comparison between Azure SQL DB and Managed Instance. At the end of this class you will know if Managed Instance is the right option for your organization and how to provision this resource.

Course Outline ( Free Preview)

Introduction to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance - What you need to get started

Module 00 - Class Introduction

Module 01 - Introduction To Managed Instance

Module 02 - Managed Instance Pricing And Scaling 24 min.

Module 03A - Networking Basics (Overview) 32 min.

Module 03B - Networking Basics (Lab) 28 min.

Module 04A - Deploying And Scaling A Managed Instance (Overview) 35 min.

Module 04B - Deploying And Scaling A Managed Instance (Lab) 16 min.

Module 05A - Backup And Restore (Overview) 29 min.

Module 05B - Backup And Restore (Labs) 22 min.

Module 06A - Database Migration (Overview) 18 min.

Module 06B - Database Migration (Lab) 6 min.

Module 07 - Lab Cleanup 5 min.

This course includes:

  • 4+ hours of training
  • 13 Modules
  • * Access on mobile and browser
  • Certificate of Completion