Introduction to Powershell
Learn Windows PowerShell basics, explore tools, cmdlets, PSProvider, Pipeline. Dive into domain-specific topics for Data Professionals, including DBA workloads, Reporting Services, community-built cmdlets.
- Course Info
- Instructor
- System Requirements
- What to know beforehand
Course Description
Course Outline ( Free Preview)
Introduction to PowerShell - What you need to get started
Module 00 - Class Introduction
Module 01A - Introduction to PowerShell (What is PowerShell)
Module 01B - Introduction to PowerShell (How Can It Be Used) 16 min.
Module 02A - Understanding Cmdlets (Getting Help) 14 min.
Module 02B - Understanding Cmdlets (Other Get Cmdlets) 20 min.
Module 03A - Working with Cmdlets (Parameter Sets) 12 min.
Module 03B - Working with Cmdlets (Cmdlets that Change Things) 22 min.
Module 04 - Navigating the PSProvider 15 min.
Module 05A - The Pipeline and Objects (Redirecting Output) 9 min.
Module 05B - The Pipeline and Objects (Objects in PowerShell) 15 min.
Module 05C - The Pipeline and Objects (Creating Variables) 12 min.
Module 06A - Filtering, Selecting, Sorting (Filtering) 10 min.
Module 06B - Filtering, Selecting, Sorting (Selecting and Ordering) 11 min.
Module 07A - Loops and Comparisions in PowerShell (ForEach and While Loops) 17 min.
Module 07B - Loops and Comparisions in PowerShell (Comparison Operators) 27 min.
Module 08 - Running cmdlets on a Remote System 20 min.
Module 09A - Starting to Write Scripts (Overview) 7 min.
Module 09B - Starting to Write Scripts (Writing and Executing a Script) 28 min.
Module 10A - Extending your Scripts (Overview) 3 min.
Module 10B - Extending your Scripts (Parameters and Functions) 28 min.
This course includes:
- 5+ hours of training
- 21 Modules
- * Access on mobile and browser
- Certificate of Completion