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Introduction to T-SQL

In this Introduction to T-SQL class you’ll learn database structure, querying tables, sorting, filtering results. Master multi-table queries, summary queries, data modification, logical programming.

  • Course Info
  • Instructor
  • System Requirements
  • What to know beforehand

Course Description

The Introduction to T-SQL virtual class is an intensive course that is designed to get you developing with T-SQL very quickly. You will first learn about the structure of a SQL Server database, then you will dive right in learning how to query the tables. Next, we will cover how to sort and filter the results. Then we will dive into how to write queries that involve multiple tables and summary queries. You will also learn how to modify data and finally about the logical programming aspects of T-SQL.

Course Outline ( Free Preview)

Introduction to T-SQL - What do you need to get started

Module 00 - Getting Started

Module 01 - Introduction to SQL Server Databases

Module 02 - SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

Module 03 - The SELECT Statement 41 min.

Module 04A - Expressions (Concatenating Columns) 10 min.

Module 04B - Expressions (Mathematical Expressions) 16 min.

Module 04C - Expressions (Other Functions) 52 min.

Module 04D - Expressions (Working with NULLs, DISTINCT and TOP) 16 min.

Module 05 - Indexes 17 min.

Module 06 - The WHERE Clause 30 min.

Module 07 - Complex WHERE Clauses 27 min.

Module 08 - Using a Sub-Query to Filter Data 37 min.

Module 09 - Joining Tables 34 min.

Module 10 - Outer Joins 33 min.

Module 11 - Other Query Patterns 40 min.

Module 12 - Aggregate Queries 26 min.

Module 13A - Modifying Data (Create Tables) 5 min.

Module 13B - Modifying Data (INSERT and SELECT INTO) 12 min.

Module 13C - Modifying Data (UPDATE Statement) 17 min.

Module 13D - Modifying Data (DELETE Statement) 6 min.

Module 14A - T-SQL Programming (Variables) 6 min.

Module 14B - T-SQL Programming (Conditional Logic) 13 min.

Module 14C - T-SQL Programming (Looping) 6 min.

Module 14D - T-SQL Programming (Stored Procedures) 8 min.

This course includes:

  • 8+ hours of training
  • 25 Modules
  • * Access on mobile and browser
  • Certificate of Completion