SQL Server Stored Procedures
Our SQL Server Stored Procedures course covers creation, modification, input/output parameters, required permissions, and error handling with Try..Catch.

- Course Info
- Instructor
- System Requirements
- What to know beforehand
Course Description
Course Outline ( Free Preview)
SQL Stored Procedures - What you need to get started
Module 00 - Class Introduction 5 min.
Module 01 - What are Stored Procedures 13 min.
Module 02 - Creating your first stored procedure 18 min.
Module 03 - Modifying stored procedures 14 min.
Module 04 - Adding parameters to stored procedures 16 min.
Module 05 - Working with output parameters 18 min.
Module 06 - Output parameters in Power Automate 14 min.
Module 07 - Permisssions for stored procedures 14 min.
Module 08 - Error handling with Try..Catch 14 min.
This course includes:
- 2+ hours of training
- 10 Modules
- * Access on mobile and browser
- Certificate of Completion