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Do you want to learn how to use Artificial Intelligence in PowerApps? In a recent demo-heavy webinar, Brian Knight shows you how to integrate PowerApps applications into Power BI reports to make your reports actionable.
Why are people using PowerApps and the Microsoft Power Platform? One key reason to use the Power Platform is to get a single view of a customer, getting rid of common digital gaps in personalized experiences. Disparate systems don’t bring a full view of a customer. When a customer walks into a bank, for example, the bank may have a separate system for credit cards, core banking and loans. Other gaps in personalized experience include lack of integration and identification of VIP customers, which prevents differentiation and can cause duplication in reports that slows processes down and creates poor customer experience.
PowerApps or Power BI can pull all this information together so it’s easy to give the customer exactly what they need, when they need it. Other common digital gaps occur in streamlining execution, as well is in managing risks. Paper-based and manual processes slow down work and are error-prone. Gaps in managing risks happen as it’s hard to keep up with compliance guidelines and reporting of issues is often verbal, slowing down correction time and risk elimination.
Here’s where PowerApps comes to the rescue. With this low or no code platform you can quickly and easily build business apps that save you time and money with automation of business processes and gain the ability to enrich current apps to connect critical business data, thus creating that single view. Your applications can then integrate within the Power Platform (Microsoft Flow and Power BI) which all use the Common Data Services model behind the scenes.
Common Data Services model allows you to store information and is a requirement for AI. Microsoft has introduced the AI Builder inside of Flow and PowerApps. With the AI Builder they created a citizen developer-based approach with turn-key machine learning for common scenarios, reducing development cost and effort by up to 70%!
The remainder of this one- hour webinar is spent on detailed demos of using the AI Builder. So, if you’re interested in learning more about PowerApps and integrating Artificial Intelligence, this webinar is for you! Watch the complete webinar below. To view the presentation slides, click here.
Want more PowerApps training? How about starting with a free course? Pragmatic Works, along with Microsoft , is pleased to offer our virtual App in a Day course covering the capabilities of PowerApps. Click the link below to subscribe for you FREE PowerApps course today! Start learning PowerApps (and more) on us!
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