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As the year ends, is one of your goals for 2018 to migrate from your current data platform? Many people want to migrate, but don’t feel they can do so with confidence. In a recent Pragmatic Works webinar, Principal Consultant Lead, Steve Hughes, discussed how to confidently migrate to Microsoft data platforms.
Why Microsoft? We know Microsoft is ahead of the competition in Business Intelligence, but it’s also a leader in operational database management and data management solutions for analytics. Customers are leaving Cybase, Oracle and Teradata in droves; for reasons like diminished ability to keep up to date and with compliance/security concerns, as well as aggressive, even predatory, licensing (yes, that’s you Oracle).
Microsoft data platforms have features that matter when migrating, whether on premises or in the cloud. SQL Server 2016/2017 is an on premises solution that offers built in analytics, cloud integration, in-memory performance, and as of 2017, it runs on Linux. It is also modern, not legacy – it’s imperative to modernize your data platforms due to the prevalence of compliance rules and security.
Azure SQL DB as a cloud platform is a fully functional SQL Server database delivered as Platform as a Service. It reduces server maintenance and operational costs, scales as needed, and has built in HA and DR capabilities.
There are a few migration patterns (or a combination of these patterns) to make the move. A good first step can be a low risk Lift and Shift, which allows you to make a stable move of your database with minimal work. An Optimize pattern takes advantage of key features available with Microsoft to improve performance and streamline management. A Modernize approach takes advantage of key features on premises and in the cloud; integrating analytics and improving scalability.
An important thing to remember to migrate with confidence—bring in a trusted partner, don’t make it a DIY. Do it yourself sounds good, but it’s usually not cost effective or time efficient. This is where Pragmatic Works comes in. We’ve helped many of our over 7,000 customers to migrate.
We have the expertise and knowledge to optimize migration tools to make your migration a success. Tools such as SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for discovery and planning, and SSIS Import/Exports Wizards, replication with Attunity and cloud migration with Unify Cloud. These tools help us to understand each use case and allows us to help you reach your goals and migrate your data quickly.
Testing is also another critical component. Without testing, you miss an opportunity to build confidence in your users. And not just SOME level of testing, but full coverage testing:
Migration Testing: - SSMS, SSIS
Process Testing – Pragmatic Works’ LegiTest is data validation software that ensures your procedures and functions work correctly, and stops bad data
Regression Testing – Jmeter, LoadRunner
Performance Testing – Hammer DB – Test optimization of the platform
If data platform migration is not one of your goals, it should be. Why? Migration to a Microsoft data platform saves money and time. You’ll get the value of better performance and more productive users, and migration allows you to better run your business, which makes you more money. We all want that, right?
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