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The 2024 Olympics in Paris have just started, and what better way to track the excitement than with the Data Design Summer Games? Allison Gonzalez and Greg Trzeciak are stepping up to the challenge, ready to showcase their skills by building Power BI dashboards that will track the medals awarded throughout the games. These dynamic and insightful dashboards will not only capture the thrill of the competitions but also demonstrate the power of data visualization in bringing sports statistics to life.
Allison and Greg will host a special livestream event on Tuesday, July 30 at 12:30 PM EDT where they will take us through their design process, sharing insights and techniques on how they built their dashboards. Whether you're a seasoned Power BI user or a beginner eager to learn, this session promises to be an invaluable resource. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of how to harness Power BI's capabilities to create compelling and interactive dashboards that can be adapted for various data tracking needs.
But the Data Design Summer Games isn't just about watching the pros. We're throwing down the gauntlet and inviting all data enthusiasts to create their own Olympic medal tracking dashboards. This is your chance to put your skills to the test, showcase your creativity, and engage with a community of like-minded individuals. Whether you're focusing on medal counts, athlete performance, or country comparisons, we want to see how you can turn raw data into a visually stunning and informative dashboard.
Need medal data? The data we are using to create our dashboard is available online.
Get the files for the Summer Games here:
Also, be sure to check out Devin Knight's great blog post on Creating a date dimension with Power Query to help you with this project.
At the end of the Olympics, we'll host another livestream event where we review the dashboard submissions and celebrate the innovative approaches taken by our participants. The creators of the most impressive dashboards will receive exclusive Learn with the Nerds swag, adding a touch of geeky pride to their achievements. So, gear up for the Data Design Summer Games and let your data visualization skills shine on the global stage!
Submit your dashboards by sharing them and tagging us on social media! The deadline is August 9th (the end of the Olympics).
Allison graduated from Flagler College in 2011. She has worked in management and training for tech companies for the past decade. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer, her primary focus is helping our customers learn the ins and outs of Power BI, along with Excel and Teams.
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