Save multiple attachments and files from Microsoft Forms to a SharePoint list with Power Automate
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Most of you are on SQL Server 2012 and in the webinar Brad goes through some of the improvements that are now available to you. He discusses the following updates in SharePoint technology:
• Excel Services Application
• Performance Point
• Application Management
• Reporting Services
We were shown the decomposition tree and how to dissect each item. (See images below.) In his example, he demonstrates an online sales example and how using the decomposition tree allows you to see all the category’s involved in online sales.This is a very useful tool if you are trying to get complete sales information for a particular item.
By the end of this video you’ll be able to set up your SharePoint farm and organize and share your data.
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What’s the most helpful SharePoint update to you? Give us your feedback in the comments section below.
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