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We all know life can get hectic. Here at Pragmatic Works, we're no different. But one of our goals is to learn something new about Azure every day, as things are constantly changing and being updated. Many people are still learning all the amazing things they can do within the Azure cloud and we want to help. Our posts in our Azure Every Day series are a great way to learn more about Azure each week.
What do you know about Systems Applications and Products (SAP) and how to make this data available in your Microsoft Azure environment? This system is one of the largest vendors of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and data management programs. It is reported that 77% of all global business transactions will come across a SAP system within an organization’s lifespan. Let me tell you more about it.
SAP is a software company whose products permit businesses to track customer and business interactions. The company's ERP system allows its consumers to run their business processes, including production, sales, accounting, human resources and finance, in an integrated environment. This integration will ensure information flows from one SAP component to another, eliminating the need for useless data entry.
There are four techniques available in making SAP data available in your Azure environment. These 4 native connectors will allow you to access capabilities within Azure.
These 4 native techniques are great ways to help you collect data from SAP and make it available within Azure. If you're interested in learning more about SAP and leveraging any one of these techniques or about anything Azure related, click the link below or contact us. We’re here to help you take your business from good to great.
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