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Power BI Custom Visuals - Social Network Graph

Power BI Custom Visuals - Social Network Graph


In this module, you will learn how to use the Social Network Graph Custom Visual. The Social Network Graph allows you to visualize relationships between people or items in your data.

Module 81 – Social Network Graph


Key Takeaways

  • Acts as a People Graph to visualize a social network.
  • Can display images that come from a URL location.


This Social Network Graph shows former NFL coach Bill Parcells’ coaching tree.

  • Under the Format paintbrush, there are a few configurations that can be adjusted on this visual.
  • In the Links section, you can increase the size or change the color of the links that connect each entity in the Social Network Graph.


  • The Node configuration allows you to change the color or the size of the border that appears around each entity or circle.


You can also adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the aspect ratio under the Format section.

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