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Welcome to the latest edition of the Power BI Monthly Digest, where Pragmatic Works trainer Jonathon Silva looks at the latest additions to the ever-evolving Power BI platform.
In the December 2021 edition, there are some new features that Jonathon highlights for you. Jonathon showcases a new feature, that is still in Preview, called Sparklines which enables users to add in line or bar charts inside of a table or matrix visual.
Jonathon also highlights how users can now choose to share links in the Power BI Service that include any changes made to a report or report visual. That’s right, now you can share with others all of the filters, slicers, and highlights that you created online so they can see the exact view you want them to have!
Lastly, he explains a new ability to view reports on the mobile app in portrait mode, rather than having to turn the phone to view in landscape.
Watch the video to see walkthroughs and step-by-steps of each new feature, plus hear insights from Jonathon. Let us know what you think about the latest additions in the comments below.
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Jonathon Silva is a Trainer for Pragmatic Works, specializing in the Power Platform. He graduated from James Madison University in 2011, has a master’s degree in Education, and comes with 9 years of teaching experience in high school economics and history. Jonathon has consistently been recognized as a top educator in the field of history and leader in curriculum development. His primary focus is helping our customers learn the ins and outs of Power Apps and Power BI.
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