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In a new video on the Pragmatic Works YouTube channel, Senior Trainer Mitchell Pearson introduces the new visual calculations feature in Power BI.
The introduction of visual calculations in Power BI represents a significant advancement, making complex data analysis tasks simpler for users by reducing the need for extensive DAX coding. To utilize this feature, users must ensure they are running the February 2024 version of Power BI or later and have the feature activated in the preview settings.
A practical demonstration shows how to execute a three-month rolling average calculation, illustrating the simplicity of visual calculations compared to the traditional DAX approach. The comparison underscores the new feature's efficiency and user-friendly design.
Anticipation for further exploration of visual calculations is high, with announcements of upcoming events and courses aimed at deepening users' understanding of this feature. Mitchell encourages viewers to experiment with visual calculations to fully grasp its capabilities and constraints.
The video concludes with an emphasis on the practical benefits of visual calculations in professional settings. Understanding the feature's limitations is crucial, and Mitchell advises preparing explanations for stakeholders. Despite potential drawbacks, visual calculations are celebrated as a major enhancement to Power BI, promising to streamline data analysis tasks significantly.
Don't forget to check out the Pragmatic Works' on-demand learning platform for more insightful content and training sessions on Power BI and other Microsoft applications. Be sure to subscribe to the Pragmatic Works YouTube channel to stay up-to-date on the latest tips and tricks.
Mitchell Pearson has been with Pragmatic Works for 10 years as a Data Platform Consultant and the Training Manager. Mitchell has authored books on SQL Server, Power BI and the Power Platform. Data Platform experience includes designing and implementing enterprise level Business Intelligence solutions with the Microsoft SQL Server stack (T-SQL, SSIS, SSAS, SSRS), the Power Platform and Microsoft Azure.
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