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Webinar Follow Up: Getting Started with Windows Azure and SQL Databases

Webinar Follow Up: Getting Started with Windows Azure and SQL Databases

Presenter: Jason Strate

The Microsoft Windows Azure platform provides service-based offerings for your data needs. These include services from file storage to SQL databases that are scalable to your specific needs. Regardless of the size of your data platform, Windows Azure has options that fit your business needs. In this session, we'll discuss the Windows Azure platform and discuss how the SQL Database and other services enhance and extend your data platform. By session end, you'll understand how Windows Azure is able to fit into your environment and be ready to start using Windows Azure.

Click here to view the full webinar!

Follow Up Questions:

Q: Does SQL Azure provide Sharding capabilities?

SQL Database, formerly SQL Azure, does support sharding.  Currently, though, sharding capabilites are driven by custom coding outside the database level.  More information here -http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn495641.aspx

Q: How to open Windows Azure Tool for backups?

Download and install the tool from Microsoft, from there, it'll be in your Start menu. -http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40740

Q: In VM, what’s the difference b/w Basic and Standard Tier?

The main difference that I've see is the IOP capabilities for disks that can be presented.  Basic is 300 IOPS, while Standard is 500 IOPS.

Q: Can I install Linux, Oracle etc on a cloud based VM?

Yes, there are a number of templates already available that provide pre-installed Linux and Oracle.

Q: Is the cost different between the Web and Business editions? Can a database me switched back and forth between editions?

Yes, the costs are different.  The tiers control performance and that performance is tied to costs.  You can change the tier for the database as the need arises.

Q: Security: how does it works for AD/Wndows Auth vs SQL Auth?

For SQL Database (SaaS), you only have the capabilities for SQL Auth right now.  With Virtual Machines, if the Virtual Network has domain controllers, then both Windows Auth and SQL Auth can be leveraged.

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