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In today’s Azure Every Day installment, I’d like to tell you about Azure Databricks. If you don’t know what that is, Azure Databricks provides an end-to-end, managed Apache Spark platform optimized for the cloud. It’s a fast, easy and collaborative analytics platform designed to help bridge the gap between data scientists, data engineers and business decision-makers using the power of Databricks on Azure.
Azure Databricks uses Microsoft Azure Active Directory as its security infrastructure and it’s optimized for ease of use, as well as ease of deployment within Azure. It features optimized connectors to Azure storage platforms (e.g. Data Lake and Blob Storage) for the fastest possible data access, and one-click management directly from the Azure console.
Some key features are:
Auto-scaling – This feature makes scaling much quicker and allows you to scale up or down as you need.
Auto-terminator – Helps you control the costs of your compute time, as well as assist you in preventing cost overruns (a concern for many cloud users).
Notebook Platform – The Notebook Platform supports standard languages (SQL, Python and R for example) and it builds a whole discussion environment around those platforms, enhancing collaboration amongst teams.
Here are some simple steps to get you started:
So, Azure Databricks provides an end-to-end data solution. You can quickly spin up a cluster or do advanced analytics with this powerful platform. And with it, you can create and monitor robust pipelines that will help you dig deep and better understand your data, allowing you to make better business decisions.
If you want to learn more about Azure Databricks and how it can help your business and collaboration within your teams, we’re here to help. Click the link below to talk to us about this, or any other Azure related topic.
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