Power BI Filtering Techniques: Choosing the Right Filter for Your Report
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Allison Gonzalez, a Microsoft Certified Trainer with Pragmatic Works, introduces a transformative update in Power BI Desktop aimed at enhancing the report design process. This update, pivotal for users frequently handling multiple visuals, simplifies the application of uniform formatting changes across various elements, thereby improving efficiency and design coherence.
Despite the broad applicability of the multi-edit feature, certain visual adjustments must still be handled on an individual basis. Specific settings, such as the display of titles or axes, may require fine-tuning for individual charts or visuals, not covered by the multi-edit options.
Allison notes that while the current multi-edit capabilities introduce foundational improvements that enhance the report design process, there are limitations. However, the Power BI team is committed to ongoing enhancements that promise to expand flexibility and functionality in future updates.
Allison graduated from Flagler College in 2011. She has worked in management and training for tech companies for the past decade. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer, her primary focus is helping our customers learn the ins and outs of Power BI, along with Excel and Teams.
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