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Do you want to learn more about Cosmos DB for SQL Server Admins and Developers? In a recent webinar with consultant Mike Donnelly, he’ll give you a quick outline of Cosmos DB, Microsoft’s multi-model database service, and why to use it. Cosmos DB is:
The presentation also touches upon the ‘why’ of using Cosmos DB as Mike uses a recent project as an example of why Cosmos made sense.
From there this webinar describes how indexing works, what the consistency levels all mean, and how your JSON should be designed based on your query patterns, as well as some things to think about to get into the mind shift to NoSQL.
There are some short demos included in this deep dive into Cosmos DB for SQL Server Admins and Developers, so if you’re interested in Cosmos DB and what the benefits are, this webinar is for you. You can watch the complete webinar below. To view the presenter’s slides, click here.
If you’d like to learn more about Cosmos DB or Azure in general, or if you’re looking to move to the cloud and need help, we’ve got the team for that. From planning to migration to full implementation into the Azure cloud, we’ll create a customized solution for your business to gain valuable insights into your data. Contact us to learn more.
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